My hope
I want to create a safe space where families can openly discuss issues of miscarriage, loss, faith, God, parenthood, love, friendship and even business.
My family definitely isn’t perfect but each day we pick ourselves up and start again.
My Story
While pregnant with my rainbow daughter in 2015, I began wondering if and how I would tell her the story of how we got here. Would I want her to know she wasn’t the first baby that I held in my heart? Would that even be an appropriate conversation for us to have one day? For months I struggled with that question and even if I did, what would that conversation sound like?
All these questions seemed to fall away the minute they placed her in my arms. As I held her, I knew I needed to tell her the story of how we came together. She deserved to know that she had brothers and sisters and that my love for them prepared me even more to love her.
However, even though the story lived in my head since that moment, it was not until I gave birth to my son in 2016 that I could put pen to paper (more accurately, fingers to keyboard) and write. Happy Tears and Rainbow Babies, which began simply as a love letter to my children, became my very first children’s book and I cannot wait to share it with everyone.
Next Steps…
If you have a rainbow family, or if you know and love a rainbow baby, then send us an email or join our mailing list to get updates on my books, and related merchandise.